22 November 2016

English Vocabulary : Idioms and Phrases-1

English Vocabulary : Idioms and Phrases-1

 Idioms and phrases form an integral part of the English language.Idioms and phrases refers to commonly used group of words in English language.These are most important for all the Competative exams and will help you to score marks in the exam.

1) At arm's length =  To keep at a distance.
     He is a thorough crook, so keep him at arm's length.

2) At daggers drawn = To be sworn enemies.
     Kapil and sunil are at daggers drawn over a small piece of land.

3) All and sundry = Everything without exception.
     All and sundry were full of praise for her.

4) At one's wits end = Confused; not knowing what to do.
     He was at his wits end when he heard of the police raid on his home.

5) An axe to grind = Have a selfish purpose.
     I am helping her out of kindness and i have no particular axe to grind.

6) At sixes and sevens = In a disordered manner.
    At my room the books always remain at sixes and sevens.

7) At loggerheads = To be enemies, To be at war.
    Four times India and Pakistan were at loggerheads over the terrorism issue.

8) At a loss = To be puzzled.
    At the time of fire accident, i was at a loss to understand what to do.

9) Alpha and omega = The beginning and the end.
    The alpha and omega of Gandhi's life was truth and non-violence.

10) At sea = Confused or lost.
     Since the exam paper was in Hindi, the candidates from English medium were completely at sea.