23 November 2016

English Vocabulary : Idioms and Phrases-2

English Vocabulary : Idioms and Phrases-2

 Idioms and phrases form an integral part of the English language.Idioms and phrases refers to commonly used group of words in English language.These are most important for all the Competative exams and will help you to score marks in the exam.
1) In the nick of time = Just at the last moment.
     He got his railway reservation ticket in the nick of time.

2) At large = Free ; not confined.
     The escaped thieves is still at large.

3) Acid test = A decisive or critical test.
     The acid test of an honest man is adversity
4) Alive and kicking = Active and healthy.
    Rahul is a alive and kicking even at the age of ninety.

5) Out of the frying pan into the fire = From a bad situation to a worse one.
    By selling is failed business and investing in a collapsing bank, he was going out of the frying pan   into the fire.

6) Add fuel to the fire = To increase anger.
    When the two directors are fighting each other, chairman add fuel to the fire.

7) Too many irons in the fire = Engage in too many enterprises at the same time.
    He is always busy because he has too many irons in the fire

8) To miss the boat = To miss an opportunity.
    He really missed the boat when he turned down an offer of job in the bank.

9) To beat a hasty retreat = To go away quickly.
    As soon as the thief saw the police, he beat a hasty retreat.

10) To burn one's boats = To take a decision which cannot be changed.
      I must stick to my new job because i have burnt my boats by resigning the previous one.