20 November 2016

Natural Home Remedies for Piles or Hemorrhoids

Natural Home Remedies for Piles or Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids or piles are caused due to veins at the lower end of the rectum enlarged and inflamed.While sewage discharge keeping high pressure on the anal part and it found in people who experiences constipation regularly.


1) INTERNAL HEMORRHOIDS OR PILES: These are located at inner part of the anal region,these are not visible but lead to bleed and inflamed.

2) EXTERNAL HEMORRHOIDS OR PILES :  These are the pain making type,visible and too much inflamed,when they get inflamed,they can start bleeding and burst.


1) Constipation is main cause of hemorrhoids or piles,
2) Gastric conditions in stomach,
3) Obesity,
4) Genetic problems,
5) Sedentary life style.


Symptoms of the hemorrhoids or piles begins with pain at the anal part,this pain will be combined by irritation.You will be able to feel little knob at the anal part and also you may get some bleeding at the anal part.This is the definite indication of hemorrhoids or piles.


Following remedies are the best and ultimate,implement them and get relief.

1) Take Soapberrys  and remove seeds,make a paste with water or radish paste.You have to divide this paste into small amount of  balls or sphere shapes like capsules.These balls  should be dry at a fresh air without sunlight,and after that store these balls in a glass bottle.If you have a severe problem take 3 soapberrys paste capsules per a day with butter milk,otherwise take only 2 capsules.This is the most powerful home remedy for piles,they would be melt.

2) Take half spoon of sarsaparilla plant roots powder which is available at ayurvedic shops and half spoon of ghee,mix them both and consume before an hour breakfast,lunch and dinner 3 times per a day.

3) Take one radish and make thick paste with milk, apply at piles wash off after 20 minutes,repeat this twice a day.
4) Take one spoon cumin powder and make a thick paste with water, apply on piles area,wash off after 15 minutes,repeat it twice a day.

 5) Take one spoon ginger juice and add two spoons of mint leaves juice,one spoon of lemon juice and one spoon honey,mix them well and consume two times a day.
 6) Apply Sesame oil on piles and consume half spoon sesame seeds with butter.

7) Consume Arshoghnibati  tablets one or two with a buttermilk three times a day.

8) Thriphala churna is the best medicine for the constipation,it is a combination of three fruits,they are gooseberry powder,terminalia chebula powder and belleric myrobalan powder.consume one spoon thriphala churna with warm water before going to sleep.

9) Take a huge tub,fill with warm water and add 15 spoons of thriphala churna and mix them well,patient have to sit in the tub duly immerse the anus in the warm water for 30 minutes.This method is the best relief to piles patient.

10) Take two spoons of castor oil and mix with one spoon of turmeric powder,make a paste and apply on piles area.

Take sweet basil leaves and make a thick paste with turmeric powder,before going to sleep apply this paste on piles and tie with a cloth and wash off with warm water.This is the best and ultimate home remedy for bleeding piles.

12) Take tiny 5 onions,peeled off  and cut into possible tiny parts,switch on a stove in low flame,put chopped onions into sieve and add half spoon of ghee or coconut oil into sieve keep on stirring it well and consume in empty stomach 2 times a day.Bleeding piles will cure within a 2 or 3 days.

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You should change your lifestyle.Regular exercise is certainly must.Avoid solid type starchy foods potato,yellow pumpkin and colocasia and take more liquid type foods,juices buttermilk,grape juice,apple juice and coconut water.And take fiber diet,avoid sitting long period of time.Drink lots of water to prevent constipation.