26 November 2016

English Vocabulary : Idioms and Phrases-3

English Vocabulary : Idioms and Phrases-3

 Idioms and phrases form an integral part of the English language.Idioms and phrases refers to commonly used group of words in English language.These are most important for all the Competative exams and will help you to score marks in the exam.

1) Burn one's fingers = To lose on account of foolish behaviour.
     You will burn your fingers if you refuse to obey the orders of your boss.

2) Burn the candle at both ends = To work very hard, early and late.
     You will ruin your health as you are burning the candle at both ends.

3) Behind one's back = In the absence of
    Modern friends praise you to your face and condemn you behind your back.

4) Hoping against hope = Continue hoping ; especially when all grounds for hope is lost.
    Even though he did badly in the exam, he is hoping against hope that he will pass.

5) Build castles in the air = Make imaginary schemes.
     Those who simply build castles in the air hardly achieve anything worth-while in life.

6) Hit below the belt = unfair act.
    Spreading a false rumour  about someone is hitting below the belt.

7) Be in someone's good books = Be favoured by someone.
    He is in the boss's good books ever since he finalised an important deal.

8) A bolt from the blue = Something unexpected.
    The news of his favourite hero's death came to us like a bolt from the blue.

9) By hook or by crook = By all means ; fair or foul.
    The aim of the majority of the students is to pass an examination by hook or by crook.

10) Break the ice = Break the silence.
      There was a perfect silence in the hall ; but when the hero came broke the ice by receiving him.

Video: Most Dangerous 10 Roads


                             Most Dangerous 10 Roads 


24 November 2016

Super Talent : Awesome Singer Kalpana


Super Talent : Awesome Singer Kalpana 

Kalpna is a singer, she started her musical career at the age of 5.She sung 1500 songs and performed 3000 stage shows worldwide.In 2010 she was the winner of Star singer program conducted by Asianet tv channel.

23 November 2016

English Vocabulary : Idioms and Phrases-2

English Vocabulary : Idioms and Phrases-2

 Idioms and phrases form an integral part of the English language.Idioms and phrases refers to commonly used group of words in English language.These are most important for all the Competative exams and will help you to score marks in the exam.
1) In the nick of time = Just at the last moment.
     He got his railway reservation ticket in the nick of time.

2) At large = Free ; not confined.
     The escaped thieves is still at large.

3) Acid test = A decisive or critical test.
     The acid test of an honest man is adversity
4) Alive and kicking = Active and healthy.
    Rahul is a alive and kicking even at the age of ninety.

5) Out of the frying pan into the fire = From a bad situation to a worse one.
    By selling is failed business and investing in a collapsing bank, he was going out of the frying pan   into the fire.

6) Add fuel to the fire = To increase anger.
    When the two directors are fighting each other, chairman add fuel to the fire.

7) Too many irons in the fire = Engage in too many enterprises at the same time.
    He is always busy because he has too many irons in the fire

8) To miss the boat = To miss an opportunity.
    He really missed the boat when he turned down an offer of job in the bank.

9) To beat a hasty retreat = To go away quickly.
    As soon as the thief saw the police, he beat a hasty retreat.

10) To burn one's boats = To take a decision which cannot be changed.
      I must stick to my new job because i have burnt my boats by resigning the previous one.


22 November 2016

English Vocabulary : Idioms and Phrases-1

English Vocabulary : Idioms and Phrases-1

 Idioms and phrases form an integral part of the English language.Idioms and phrases refers to commonly used group of words in English language.These are most important for all the Competative exams and will help you to score marks in the exam.

1) At arm's length =  To keep at a distance.
     He is a thorough crook, so keep him at arm's length.

2) At daggers drawn = To be sworn enemies.
     Kapil and sunil are at daggers drawn over a small piece of land.

3) All and sundry = Everything without exception.
     All and sundry were full of praise for her.

4) At one's wits end = Confused; not knowing what to do.
     He was at his wits end when he heard of the police raid on his home.

5) An axe to grind = Have a selfish purpose.
     I am helping her out of kindness and i have no particular axe to grind.

6) At sixes and sevens = In a disordered manner.
    At my room the books always remain at sixes and sevens.

7) At loggerheads = To be enemies, To be at war.
    Four times India and Pakistan were at loggerheads over the terrorism issue.

8) At a loss = To be puzzled.
    At the time of fire accident, i was at a loss to understand what to do.

9) Alpha and omega = The beginning and the end.
    The alpha and omega of Gandhi's life was truth and non-violence.

10) At sea = Confused or lost.
     Since the exam paper was in Hindi, the candidates from English medium were completely at sea.    

21 November 2016

VIDEO: Amazing Clips


VIDEO: Amazing Clips

These videos are the incredible and amazing.Every video your are about to see is true.Get ready to thrill.
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20 November 2016

Natural Home Remedies for Piles or Hemorrhoids

Natural Home Remedies for Piles or Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids or piles are caused due to veins at the lower end of the rectum enlarged and inflamed.While sewage discharge keeping high pressure on the anal part and it found in people who experiences constipation regularly.


1) INTERNAL HEMORRHOIDS OR PILES: These are located at inner part of the anal region,these are not visible but lead to bleed and inflamed.

2) EXTERNAL HEMORRHOIDS OR PILES :  These are the pain making type,visible and too much inflamed,when they get inflamed,they can start bleeding and burst.


1) Constipation is main cause of hemorrhoids or piles,
2) Gastric conditions in stomach,
3) Obesity,
4) Genetic problems,
5) Sedentary life style.


Symptoms of the hemorrhoids or piles begins with pain at the anal part,this pain will be combined by irritation.You will be able to feel little knob at the anal part and also you may get some bleeding at the anal part.This is the definite indication of hemorrhoids or piles.


Following remedies are the best and ultimate,implement them and get relief.

1) Take Soapberrys  and remove seeds,make a paste with water or radish paste.You have to divide this paste into small amount of  balls or sphere shapes like capsules.These balls  should be dry at a fresh air without sunlight,and after that store these balls in a glass bottle.If you have a severe problem take 3 soapberrys paste capsules per a day with butter milk,otherwise take only 2 capsules.This is the most powerful home remedy for piles,they would be melt.

2) Take half spoon of sarsaparilla plant roots powder which is available at ayurvedic shops and half spoon of ghee,mix them both and consume before an hour breakfast,lunch and dinner 3 times per a day.

3) Take one radish and make thick paste with milk, apply at piles wash off after 20 minutes,repeat this twice a day.
4) Take one spoon cumin powder and make a thick paste with water, apply on piles area,wash off after 15 minutes,repeat it twice a day.

 5) Take one spoon ginger juice and add two spoons of mint leaves juice,one spoon of lemon juice and one spoon honey,mix them well and consume two times a day.
 6) Apply Sesame oil on piles and consume half spoon sesame seeds with butter.

7) Consume Arshoghnibati  tablets one or two with a buttermilk three times a day.

8) Thriphala churna is the best medicine for the constipation,it is a combination of three fruits,they are gooseberry powder,terminalia chebula powder and belleric myrobalan powder.consume one spoon thriphala churna with warm water before going to sleep.

9) Take a huge tub,fill with warm water and add 15 spoons of thriphala churna and mix them well,patient have to sit in the tub duly immerse the anus in the warm water for 30 minutes.This method is the best relief to piles patient.

10) Take two spoons of castor oil and mix with one spoon of turmeric powder,make a paste and apply on piles area.

Take sweet basil leaves and make a thick paste with turmeric powder,before going to sleep apply this paste on piles and tie with a cloth and wash off with warm water.This is the best and ultimate home remedy for bleeding piles.

12) Take tiny 5 onions,peeled off  and cut into possible tiny parts,switch on a stove in low flame,put chopped onions into sieve and add half spoon of ghee or coconut oil into sieve keep on stirring it well and consume in empty stomach 2 times a day.Bleeding piles will cure within a 2 or 3 days.

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You should change your lifestyle.Regular exercise is certainly must.Avoid solid type starchy foods potato,yellow pumpkin and colocasia and take more liquid type foods,juices buttermilk,grape juice,apple juice and coconut water.And take fiber diet,avoid sitting long period of time.Drink lots of water to prevent constipation.


18 November 2016

Video : Most Important Lessons from the Bhagavadgeeta


Most Important Lessons from the Bhagavadgita

                   Click Here to DOWNLOAD 

17 November 2016

Video : An Awesome Singer Manisha


English Vocabulary : Synonyms and Antonyms-4

English Vocabulary : Synonyms and Antonyms-4

Word : Liquidate

Synonyms : Pay up, Clear off, Settle, Repay, Reimburse.

Antonyms : Owe, Remain, Invest, Hold.

Example : The Indian government is trying hard to liquidate old currency.

Word : Incense

Synonyms : Annoy, Make anger, Miff, Ruffle, Enrage, Rant, Rave, Vex.

Antonyms : Calm down, lull, Please, Delight, Gratify.

Example : He was incensed by her abusive words.

Word : Jest

Synonyms : Joke, Tease, Banter, Fun, Jeer, Jive, Make fun of, Game, Sport.

Antonyms : Serious, Sobriety, Soberness, Earnest, Solemnity.

Example : Don't jest about stammering deformity.

Word : Immaculate

Synonyms : Spotless, Pure, Neat, Decent, Flawless, Chaste, Vestal.

Antonyms : Corrupt, Impure, Filthy, Smutty, Defective.

Example : Mahatma Gandhi's life was immaculate.

Word : Loath

Synonyms : Reluctant, Hesitant, Unwilling, Averse, Ambivalent, Shy, Timid.

Antonyms : Eager, Ready, Willing, Keen.

Example : He is loath to keep her money longer.

Word :Languor

Synonyms : Weakness, Lethargy, Torpor, Stupor, Lassitude.

Antonyms : Strength, Vigor, Vivacity.

Example : She is unable to carry a box due to her languor.

Word : Obstinate

Synonyms : Stubborn, Adamant, Inflexible, Steadfast, Firm.

Antonyms : Obedient, Flexible, Amenable, Docile, Soft, Plaint.

Example : The child was obstinate about a specific toy.

Word : Maiden

Synonyms : Foremost, Earliest, First, Pioneer, Virgin.

Antonyms : Final, Latest, Ultimate, Concluding.

Example : Anil kumble got an hattrick in his maiden match

Word : Meretricious

Synonyms : Blatant, Showy, Sham, Counterfeit, Insincere, Mislead.

Antonyms : Real, Genuine, Plain, Simple.

Example : Police warned about his meretricious character.

Word : Meddle 

Synonyms : Intrude, Interfere, Poke, Pry, Interpose, Snoop, Interlope.

Antonyms : Eschew, Ignore, Shun, Avoid.

Example : Please stop meddling when teacher is speaking.

Word : Meticulous

Synonyms :  Careful, Fussy, Cautious, Heedful, Painstaking.

Antonyms : Careless, Negligent, Lax, Reckless.

Example : He secured a high level rank by his meticulous work.



07 November 2016

Video : Respect and Love your Mother


                        Respect and Love your Mother


06 November 2016

Funny Pranks


                                     Funny Pranks


                                             Click Here To DOWNLOAD

English Vocabulary : Synonyms and Antonyms-3

English Vocabulary : Synonyms and Antonyms-3

Word : Palatable

Synonyms : Tasty, Pleasant.

Antonyms : Unacceptable, Detest.

Example : We can add some characters to make the movie palatable.

Word : Pernicious

Synonyms : Bad, Hurt.

Antonyms : Good, Benefit.

Example : Smoking is pernicious to health.

Word : Pompous

Synonyms : Majestic, Dignified, Imperial, Magnificent, Luxury.

Antonyms : Modest, Simple.

Example : I do not like Pompous people. 

Word : Prolific

Synonyms : Fertile, Productive.

Antonyms : Sterile, Bleak, Barren.

Example : Farmers could not have prolific harvest.

Word : Radiant

Synonyms : Bright, Glaring.

Antonyms : Dull, Dark.

Example : The moon is radiant today.

Word : Recline 

Synonyms : Rest, Place.

Antonyms : Erect, Raise.

Example : He sat on a reclining chair so that his back will get some relief.

Word : Redundant

Synonyms : Excessive, Superfluous, Excess, Spare.

Antonyms : Necessary,Skimp, stint.

Example : He narrate a story without a redundant word.

Word : Slacken

Synonyms : Lessen,Mire, Quagmire, Loose.

Antonyms : Tight, rigorous, Plastered.

Example : He slackened the tight belt round his waist.

Word : Sophisticate

Synonyms : Damage, Ruin, Corrupt.

Antonyms : Correct, Reform.Rectify.

Example : Virus sophisticated the computer.

Word : Tangible

Synonyms : Touchable, palpable,  Real.

Antonyms : Intangible, Untouchable.

Example : mouse and keyboard are the Tangible parts of the  computer.

Word : Tantamount

Synonyms : Equal, Equivalent.

Antonyms : Unequal, Antonymous.

Example : Supreme court follows tantamount rules.

Word :Sagacious 

Synonyms : Wise, Shrewd, Sapient, Perspicacious.

Antonyms : Dull, Stupid. 

Example : He is a sagacious boy.


05 November 2016

VIDEO: Do not Give Up


                                     Do not Give up


1) Don't give up till end give your best.

2) Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.

3) Try and Fail but don't fail to try.

4) If you are  not willing to learn no one can help you,
    if you are  determined to learn no one can stop you.

5) FAIL means First Attempt In Learning.

6) Knowing is not enough we must apply
     Willing is not enough we must do. 

7) Time is more valuable than money you can get more money but you cannot get more time.

8) Do your work now sometimes later becomes never.

9) Where there is no struggle  there is no strength.

10) Success is the sum of small efforts repeated.

                                                 click here to DOWNLOAD


03 November 2016

Video : Art of Living


                           VIDEO : Art Of Living 

          Click Here to DOWNLOAD

02 November 2016

English Vocabulary : Synonyms and Antonyms-2

English Vocabulary : Synonyms and Antonyms-2 

  Word : Abandon

  Synonyms: Leave, Quit, Discard, Discontinue, Evacuate,Relinquish, Desert.

  Antonyms : Follow, Continue, Chase, Undertake, Prosecute, Pursue.

  Example : Selfish people desert their friends in difficult times.

  Word : Baffle
  Synonyms : Confuse, Amaze, Confound, Elude, Ambiguous.
  Antonyms : Clarify, Explain, Interpret, Spell out, Elucidate

  Example : This book helps to elucidate the difficult parts of the lesson.

  Word : Calamity

  Synonyms : Disaster, Catastrophe, Misery, Trouble, Misfortune, Affliction.

  Antonyms : Prosperity, Happiness, Joy, Fortune.

 Example :Our country is afflicted with twin disaster of food shortages and an increasing population.

 Word :  Dainty

  Synonyms : Charming, Neat, Elegant, Pretty, Savory.

  Antonyms:  Clumsy, Awkward, Uncouth, Coarse.

 ExampleA dainty child got the attention of all the people present in the function. 

 Word : Ebb

 Synonyms : Decline, Decay, Sink, Wane, Retire, Recede.

 Antonyms : Flow, Increase, Swell, Abound.

 Example : After the accident in which he lost his right leg, his life began to ebb.

 Word : Feeble 

 Synonyms : Weak, Infirm, Frail, Impotent, Languid.

 Antonyms : Strong, Sinewy, Athletic, Muscular, Vigorous.

 Example : The strong should help the weak.

 Word : Gallant

 Synonyms : Brave, Bold, lion- hearted , Courageous, Daring, Valorous, Splendid.

 Antonyms : Fearful, Discourteous.

 Example : Virat kohli is very gallant at the batting.

 Word : Hamper

 Synonyms : Obstruct, Restrain, Prevent, Impede, Hold up, Bind.

 Antonyms : Aid, Assist, Help, Promote, Encourage, Host.

 ExampleHis walk is hampered by his heavy dress.

 Word : Imprudent

 Synonyms : Careless, Fool hardy, Reckless, Irresponsible, Headless, Ill-advised.

 Antonyms : Careful, Cautious, Polite, Responsible, Discreet, Wise, Considerate.

 ExampleIs it not imprudent of you to buy a bike when your salary is very low?

 Word : Jaundiced

 Synonyms : Cynical, Bitter, Hostile, Jealous, Suspicious, Skeptical, Envious.

 Antonyms :  Open-minded, Optimistic, Trusting, Ingenuous, Credulous.

 Example : Do not take a jaundiced view on her marriage.