11 September 2016

IBPS RRB CWE V 2016 Notification


IBPS Regional Rural Banks(RRBs) Recruitment 2016 RRB CWE V notification for the Officers scale-i,ii,iii and office assistants(multi purpose).
IBPS RRB Recruitment CWE V 
 An Awesome notification was released by IBPS(Institute of Banking Personnel Selection),Recruitment for office Assistants(multipurpose) and officers scale-i.ii.iii categories in 56 Regional Rural Banks(RRBs),That means  Aspirants can get a job in their local areas. An eligible Aspirants who wants to get a job in Regional Rural banks(RRB's) are required to apply for the posts IBPS rrb office assistant(multi purpose) and IBPS rrb officers scale-i,ii,iii seperately.Recruitment process for the IBPS rrb office assistant(multi purpose)  will be conducted in two phases online preliminary exam and online Main exam.Aspirants will get a job by merit marks secured in online Main examination.IBPS rrb officers scale-i,ii,iii recruitment will be conducted in three phases online preliminary exam,online main exam and Interview.IBPS(RRBs) online exams will be conducted by IBPS tentatively in November/December.

Name of the Exam: IBPS(Regional Rural Banks) RRBs  CWE V

Application mode : Online 

Eligibility: local language proficiency.

Age: Office Assistants(multi purpose: Age between 18years and 28 years.
         Scale-i officers:Age between 18yearsto 30 years.
         Scale-ii officers:Age between 21years to 32 years.
         Scale-iii officers: Age between 21 years to 42 years.

 NOTE: Relaxtion of Age provided by IBPS for the OBC classes and EBC classes.

Educational Qualifications: Any Degree from recognized university.

Online Application receives from 14th September 2016 and closing date is 30th September 2016.

Application Fees: Rs.600/- for General and OBC
                              Rs.100/- for SC/ST.

Preliminary Online Exam Dates:
                     Office assistant 12,13 & 19th November 2016.
                     Officer scale-i,ii,iii 05th,06th November 2016.

Online Main Exam Dates:
                         Office Assistant  18th December 2016.
                         Officer Scale-i,ii,iii  11th December 2016.


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